Investing in LS Baseball
Over the years, the money we have raised with your help has funded significant improvements to the LS Baseball experience. Nowhere is that more evident than in the improvements made to the Varsity and Sub-Varsity fields located on campus. With Feeley Field (off Route 20) no longer a reliable home field option due to chronic soggy spring conditions, LS was forced to turn to their practice field for a new permanent playing surface. It's been a long journey to where we are today, and your contributions helped make it happen!
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In the fall of 2019, FOLSB, with the help of the LS All-Sports Boosters, made a significant investment to construct dugouts on the Varsity field on the LS campus. This was the first of numerous improvements aimed at turning what was a practice field into a more appropriate home field.

Outfield Fence
For years, LS Baseball played games with no outfield fence. As the saying goes, it was hit the ball and "Run Johnny, run!" Later came a makeshift, temporary fence made of netting and stakes that would last for roughly half the season and flummox many an umpire looking to make a definitive call on a home run or ground-rule double. Finally, in the spring of 2022, FOLSB invested in a more formal, semi-permanent outfield fence that is put up at the start of each season and taken down at the end. And in 2023, we moved the beautiful LS Baseball windscreen from Feeley Field to the field on the LS campus.

Infield and Mound
Before the 2023 season, FOLSB invested in a new mound, new infield field mix, and laser leveling of the infield surface on both the Varsity and Sub-Varsity fields.